Content removal


Please understand that we do not produce, host or upload videos, all videos found here are embedded from other porn sites. We cannot and do not manually review all videos that are embedded on the site. We use content filters and modern technologies to prevent misuse. We do our best to quickly remove all content that is reported. We only have the ability to un-embed content from our website. If you wish to remove a video, you must notify the person responsible for hosting/uploading the video. We currently embed videos from the following sites:

Content removal

Anyone who feels aggrieved and wants content not to be indexed by our site can request the removal of any related material. We in no way encourage or support the illegal dissemination of content. To request the content removal(de-indexing), simply fill out the form below and inform the urls that must be removed.

Content removal Form

Upon receipt of a copyright notice, content will be removed from our services. Once removed, we add the video's information to our content filters to prevent a reported video from appearing on the site again. We also have a zero tolerance policy for repeat infringers, if the video was embedded by any user we disable the account of any user that infringes any intellectual property rights.